Matt and Kate set an example for me, among others, both in their marriage and their passion for studying God's Word and seeing the preeminence of Christ therein. Knowing them and watching them rejoice in their salvation is a privilege for sure!
One can rarely interact with this family without coming away more... hmmm... cultured... in a good way. Matt introduced me to a gospel-centered reading of the Scripture, the ESV Study Bible, and Seinfeld; Kate introduced me to alliteration, edamame, and Justin Taylor's blog. They regularly use words such as "amanuensis," "absquatulation," "defenestrate," and the like.
Take a look at this uniquely demonstrative family:

Jon and Jake are charming young gentlemen -- very different, but both sincere, sharp, and quality basketball players.

I love this photo!... They both look so happy. It was undoubtably taken shortly after the kissing photo. :)
Meet Luther: the canine theologian who enthusiastically plays his part in contributing to the smells and sounds of the overall Harmon household experience. One will never want for a warm reception with Luther around.

I thank God for this family often! They are a blessing to many... and really photogenic!!